Parish Activities
January 2021 through December 2021
The 2001 Wien History Book continues to be for sale.
This 259 page book includes all of the wonderful pictures and history presented in the 1976
"Blue Book", and also presents updated birth, death, and marriage information along
with updated family pictures. The book can be purchased for $30., plus $5. for shipping.
Checks can be made out to "St. Mary of the Angels Church" and requests can be sent
to Christina Meissen, R.R.1 Box 102, New Cambria, M0 63558. Her telephone number is 660-226-5532.
2021 and 2022 School Reunion
The Annual School Reunion is always held on the first Sunday in June, but was interrupted in 2020 by Covid-19. During this year of 2021 , the Reunion was again held, but with some differences. The meal was provided and served to guests rather than our regular carry-in buffet. The menu included Don's fried chicken, mashed potatoes and gravy, vegetable, fruit and dessert. Donations were requested to include the cost of the meal. A 50/50 drawing was held instead of the traditional raffle. Participants were seated in "family or relative" tables. The event started at noon on Sunday, June 6 in the multi-purpose building in Wien. Guests agreed that the catered lunch was preferable to the carry-in meal, so will be planned again for the 2022 Reunion. Mark your calendar NOW for Sunday, June 5 of 2022!
2021-22 Parish Picnic
The Wien Picnic is always the first Sunday in August. That means it will be August 7 in 2022. Perhaps you remember that it was cancelled in 2020 due to Covid, but with some changes, the parish held the Wien Picnic in 2021. Many thanks to all those who helped and all those who attended.
Please invite your friends and relatives to attend in 2022, and
come prepared to stay the entire day. (If you are from quite a distance
away and plan to stay for the entire day, be sure to reserve a room at one of the local hotels in
Marceline, Macon, Salisbury or Brookfield. Plan early, though, because nearby towns also have annual
celebrations that same weekend!)
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